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VNS Therapy™ Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about VNS Therapy™ in our knowledge base.

Frequently asked questions illustration

Please select one of the following categories

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VNS Therapy™

Find answers to all your questions about VNS Therapy: What it is; how it works; who it is suitable for; and much more.

VNS Therapy Magnet icon

VNS Therapy™ Magnet

Everything you want to know about the VNS Therapy Magnet including what it is, how and when to use it, and other useful topics.

Patient laying down icon

VNS Therapy™ Procedure

We understand that you many have questions regarding the VNS Therapy™ implant procedure so we have prepared a list of commonly asked questions.

Key icon for safety FAQs

VNS Therapy™ Safety

Answers to your questions regarding MRI scans, airport security and overall VNS Therapy safety.

Talk to Your Doctor

Talk to your doctor if you have any health-related questions or if you are having difficulty with your VNS Therapy™ System.

 References are available upon request.

The intended audience for this website is visitors in the United Kingdom. VNS Therapy™ for Drug Resistant Epilepsy is not available in all countries, please talk to your doctor.