A Different Approach to Difficult-to-Treat Depression.
Get Well and Stay Well with VNS Therapy™
The VNS Therapy™ System is indicated for the treatment of chronic or recurrent depression in patients who are in a treatment-resistant or treatment-intolerant major depressive episode.

You Are Not Alone
Depression is the second most common mental health disorder in Europe - with 21 million people affected.
Around 50% of all people with depression will experience a chronic or recurrent course of illness for which long-term treatment is recommended.
What is Difficult-To-Treat Depression?
Difficult-to-Treat Depression (DTD) is a depression that continues to cause a significant burden despite usual treatment efforts.
People with difficult-to-treat depression can experience

Poor quality of life

Difficulties with daily functioning

Social and work challenges

Other mental and physical health conditions

Increased hospitalisations

Increased use of healthcare services
If you are struggling with depression (unipolar or bipolar) that is difficult to treat and traditional treatments have failed to provide you with relief, there is another way forward.

A Different Approach
VNS Therapy™ for Difficult-to-Treat Depression
The VNS Therapy™ System is indicated for the treatment of chronic or recurrent depression in patients who are in a treatment-resistant or treatment-intolerant major depressive episode.
VNS Therapy™ is a non pharmacological treatment and stands for Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in your body and is the main nerve that connects your brain to the rest of your body.
What makes VNS Therapy effective:
- VNS Therapy modulates established pathways involved in depression.
- VNS Therapy works by regularly transmitting small electrical signals from a neurostimulator (similar to a pacemaker) through a thin lead under your skin to your vagus nerve in the neck.
- Through these small electrical signals, VNS Therapy has shown to improve depression symptoms.
There’s Safety in Our Numbers
Years of patient experience with VNS Therapy technology
Patients implanted across multiple diseases
Real People. Real Stories.
Johnny's Journey - 6 Months Post-VNS Therapy
Johnny's Journey - Pre-VNS Therapy
Mary's Journey with VNS Therapy™