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Frequently Asked Questions

To find out if VNS Therapy for Depression is available in your area, speak to your psychiatrist for more information.

Two people talking through phones with speech bubbles

Find answers to commonly asked questions about VNS Therapy™

VNS Therapy symmetry device for depression in green outline on purple background

VNS Therapy™ FAQs

Find answers to all your questions about VNS Therapy: What it is; how it works; who it is suitable for; and much more.

Patient in bed with doctor at their side

VNS Therapy™ Surgery FAQs

We understand that you many have questions regarding the VNS Therapy™ implant procedure so we have prepared a list of commonly asked questions.

Key to represent safety

VNS Therapy™ Safety FAQs

Answers to your questions regarding MRI scans, airport security and overall VNS Therapy safety.

Find out how VNS Therapy™ has helped other people get well and stay well

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